“In my 19 years of education, it was the best 3 days of learning I have ever experienced. CAPS Network, thanks for the warm welcome and multiple connections to help create an even better learning experience for our students.”
Dr. Sandy Steggal, Clinton County R-III Schools, Missouri
“Without a network, you are on an island. It’s hard to grow alone on that island. A network isn’t a magical vault of files & folders. It’s about the people & relationships. The conversations you have. Great Summer Huddle CAPS Network!”
MOC Floyd-Valley CAPS, Iowa
“It was great to connect and grow with others from all over the country. We are truly better together.”
Cedar Falls CAPS, Iowa
“Thanks to my friends at CAPS Network for having me as a speaker at their national conference. The CAPS education community is first in class. Keep the GREATNESS coming!”
Sylvester Chisom, Global CTE, Missouri
“An amazing start to the 2022 Summer Huddle! Corey Mohn challenged us to be BOLD. Erik Lindbergh inspired us to overcome barriers. A special thanks to Saint Louis University for hosting attendees from across the network!”
STL CAPS, Missouri
“So proud to be a part of the CAPS Network! We had a great experience at Summer Huddle! Thank you!”
“The greatest thing about CAPS Network is the professional connections within the ‘family’!”
LAUNCH in Elmbrook, Wisconsin