Foundations and Community Organizations
Foundations and Community Organizations
Our students deserve the love of caring mentors, cheerleaders, and yes, funders. You can make a difference through CAPS Community Partnerships.
Become a partner in the CAPS Network, invest in our future workforce, and watch as we collectively transform teaching and learning. Support from foundations and community organizations provides the necessary resources to truly scale profession-based learning experiences to all students. Help accelerate the diffusion of a working, scalable model. We are better together.
A proven record of success in building professional skillsets
The CAPS model consistently fast forwards students into confident young professionals. The data speaks for itself.
Spring 2021 CAPS Network Student Survey Results (1,321 student responses)

The Kemper Family Foundations believe in the important work being done by the CAPS Network, not only in educating the next generation, but providing hands-on experience that will foster a future workforce of entrepreneurial thinkers and innovators.
— The Kemper Family Foundations, UMB Bank, n.a., Trustee

Contact Us
Please contact us to discuss how we can assist you in meeting your mission by driving impact through innovation.