Watch “Where Students Lead” – now streaming free from our website!

I wanted to share some exciting news – you now have direct and free access to the CAPS film, Where Students Lead.


Where Students Lead chronicles the dramatic student impact of the CAPS profession-based education model and its growth across the country. The 2019 film is part of an overarching campaign to propel experiential learning. CAPS is one example of the global experiential learning movement impacting all levels of education.

The film debuted with special screenings across the country in partnership with AMC Theatres and is now available for screenings for students, parents, teachers, business partners and other community members.

We have embedded the film directly on the CAPS Network website. To get access to watch at any time, you simply need to enter your email address at the bottom of the WSL webpage linked here. You will then receive an email that will provide you a link and passcode to watch.
We hope you enjoy – and feel free to share out this availability with your teachers, students and community members. Let’s all get inspired. Let’s all go where students lead!




Corey E. Mohn

President & Executive Director

CAPS Network